16 November 2011

Fire 02

I wasn't happy with the default fire in maya dynamics. I needed more organic and subtle type of flame. It could get away f it showed only a bit during the short time in the scene. However, the dynamics in our project takes huge part. It should be perfect and even it was only experimentation, I want it to reach at least 70% of final quality.

So I spent days and days to research to make perfect flame. I found some examples on the youtube but those were made with very heavy methods like maya Fluids, Smoke, Houdini etc. I am interested in houdini anyway so I tried to see how it looks.


This image is the screenshot of houdini. I only set up the default pyroflame. I didn't modify any numbers, apply any nodes. It was the most basic fire that anyone can make. The quality of fire on the test render looked good but it looked slightly too much but I thought it would be suit for our scene after some twig. But I HAVE TO turn it down. I rendered 250 frames and it took SO MUCH time to render. I had to stop right after it rendered 75 frames after 2 hours. It wouldn't be worked if it took that much time to render. Also we need at least more than 10 flames around the ring that emitting gas.

After the attempt for houdini, I tried to see what maya Fluid fire would look like. Like the pyroflame, I imported a fluid flame from maya internal library. Again, it took TOO much time to render.

 After failing few times now, I'm getting more anticipate to find way to make decent looking flame but can be rendered relatively quicker than fluid and pyro flame..

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